Monday 25 August 2014


Anu;s Chatter...

Hi Guys it is ten thirty in the night and I am pounding on my machine to finish my 25th blog for the marathon.....I am so happy now I am coming to the end of the marathon and self imposed one at that .....five more to the midst of all this Guys I wanted to share a regular event that irritates me the most nowadays to no end----

 I come across a woman in my vicinity and got to talking the random talk....she wanted to know what I do( she lives in the same locality as I do for the past ten years)...this is regular question now with most women around and they think that I am a home maker ..when she heard that I am a writer and have just finished and published a book she was like-----Good everybody should be busy doing something or the other in life to keep themselves busy ...Lol there  goes all my achievements into the dust..After this demoralizing, demotivating chat , I decided to select people  before talking to them ..or to keep my mouth shut ....what say?

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